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Maria Pinto

24 abril 2010

Iowa State University - Postcard exchange

Participei nessa troca de postais promovida pela Iowa State University.
Abaixo o meu trabalho e os 12 que recebi.
Todos os trabalhos ficam no acervo da University Print Society.

I participated at the Postacard Print Exchange organized by the Iowa State university.
See my work and 12 prints received.
One copy of all postcards are kept in the University Print Society.

10x15 cm
tiragem 13 + 1 PA
Marés / Tides
xilogravura / wood engraving
3 matrizes e 3 cores / 3 blocks and 3 colors











Um comentário:

kaslkaos disse...

I just received your contribution, Tides. Thanks, a beautiful entry, now on my wall.
Thank you also for taking the time to show all the entries you've received, front and back. It's wonderful to see more of the exchange.