Desculpem-me a longa ausência... esses últimos meses foram conturbados, mas acho que aos poucos estou voltando à normalidade... Hoje, ainda senti muita falta do meu amiguinho PETIT, meu gatinho que morreu no dia 2 de novembro deixando um enorme vazio!
Ele vai viver eternamente no meu coração !
I'm sorry for my long absence.
Those last months have been disturbed ,
but I'm finding bit-by-bit the return to the normality.
Today , again, I missed a lot my little friend PETIT ,
my cat who has died last 2nd November leaving an enormous empty!
He'll live for ever in my hearth !
3 comentários:
Maria Regina, I'm sorry to hear this news about your cat. It does leave an enormous emptiness when we lose a pet. Take care. Annie
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your pet, Petit.
I recently lost my 14 year old dog, Moe.
I miss her so much, my arms ache, my heart breaks.
It is very difficult to go on alone.
We had such great adventures together.
I will always treasure my memories.
thanks all people who wrote here or in my mail. He was so special.
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